“Built for stealth and speed, these units were both feared and admired during the Last War. Their gracefully arched profile and long ears earned them the nickname “Anubot”. Efficient single unit snipers, they did not need a spotter as their secondary eyes and ear units were designed to measure wind, distance, earth curve and projectile arc while the primary eyes focused on their target. Their long cable bundle tails serve as a cat-like counterbalance and as a tool to interface with other machines. Quiet and reserved, they have not taken to their decommissioned life as easily as the Robodogman units they served with. Some still wander, trying to find their place in a new world….”
“In the old days when she only had a serial number as a name, Lich was legendary. Spoken about with the reverence of a mythological figure, every mission assigned to her had a 100% success rate, her patience and intensity set her above and beyond her Anubot peers. Now retired from martial service she keeps herself in the lap of luxury and power as a highly sought after gangster queen, taking assignments from the upper echelon of the various tribes of the Wastes. Available for assassinations, extractions, thievery, contraband escort, item recovery, hostage capture/rescue, and everything in between, Lich doesn’t really care about collateral damage or ethics. She leads a crew of hand picked hunters like herself with a firm iron claw. She gained the name Lich because of her dead-cold personality, unflappable and detached. She is missing a single ocular lens due to a double cross within her own gang, exposing her to a strike from her lifelong rival. It is the one time in her life she has ever been surprised and she intends to never, ever let that happen again. If you can afford her, you can be absolutely sure the job will be done and most likely ahead of schedule.”
This is a 1/6 ( 12″ tall) scaled posable one of a kind figure. The blank body and clothes are store bought but modified! I did NOT sew the jumpsuit! I did make the cloak. The head, hands and feet sculpted on my own and cast in urethane. The tail is my own make and is poseable. The cast parts are painted and assembled so the figure can still move and pose. Be mindful of the hands, as they are made to come out.
The small glass bottles on her belt glow in the dark.